Create a seamless shopping experience for customers

Create a seamless shopping experience for customers

As much as supply chain tension is top of mind for you, it doesn’t have to be for your customers. Being transparent with inventory levels can help manage customer expectations early in their shopping journey. NetSymm can show what is available for customers to order based on your current inventory levels.

Suppliers can also improve the shopping experience by setting up a variety of flows and notifications for their customers:

  1. You have an option to hide a product from your catalog if the inventory level goes to zero or negative – and display it again as soon as inventory is positive and available to ship.
  2. You can send an email or text to notify customers when a new item has been added to your catalog. “Check out our new items today” and display them on login.
  3. You can send an email or text to notify customers when an item is on sale. “Check out our sales items today” and display them on login.

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