Why you should start collecting customer data now

Why you should start collecting customer data now

Around 19% of US retail transactions are generally made over the holidays between November and December. 

This year, eCommerce sales are set to increase by 15.5% to $235.86 billion. 

Increased web traffic and first-party data for the Christmas season follow a rise in sales. First-party data from the Holiday season, when gathered and handled successfully, may provide new customer information, improve upcoming marketing initiatives, and entice holiday buyers to return later in the year.

What is customer data?

Customer data is data that a company obtains directly from its customers. A company’s target market might consist of:

  • Customers
  • Readers of newsletters
  • Website users
  • Social media followers

First-party data is more trustworthy for acquiring a deeper insight into customers’ prospective purchasing patterns and behavior because it is gathered directly from a business’ customers. Companies may obtain first-party information from:

  • Tests that recommend products
  • Contact lists
  • Mobile marketing initiatives
  • Loyalty initiatives
  • Tools for website statistics
  • Facebook Analytics
  • Surveys following purchases
  • Customer opinions

Information that a company does not independently obtain is second and third-party data. Typically gathering the customers from an outside supplier, is not tied explicitly to your audience, unlike second-party data, which frequently depends on an existing brand connection.

Why is it crucial to gather customer information over the holidays?

Businesses’ most significant sales period during the year often occurs during the holiday season. Customers look for presents and discounts throughout Black Friday, Christmas Sales, Thanksgiving, and Easter. Most consumers are highly eager and on a quest to make a transaction. Businesses have the ideal combination for gathering important first-party consumer data that is of the highest quality when combined with a rise in web traffic.

Businesses should gather customers data throughout the Holiday season for the following reasons:

Growth in traffic

For businesses, the holidays mean a spike in web traffic. The ideal present is high, and people are ready to put in the time to find it. According to 2021 reports, the average person would buy online for the holidays for roughly 12 hours. Additionally, customers aren’t only browsing businesses’ websites. Online orders accounted for over $1 of every $4 spent on cash transactions throughout the 2021 holiday season.

How do we get customers’ information?

Customer data should be gathered by businesses utilizing various collecting techniques. If you do this, you’ll have a full view of customer behavior and tastes. Think about the best ways to motivate and encourage clients to provide you with their data. Consider how your business might capitalize on the joyful atmosphere of the season to make it enjoyable or lucrative for consumers to share their information with you. With the following steps, you can get customers’ information regularly.

  • Post-purchase survey
  • Past purchase history
  • Regular customer questionnaires
  • Loyalty programs
  • Tiered discounts
  • Early Access
  • Product recommendation quizzes
  • Wish lists
  • Stock replenishment notifications

The NetSymm app is the most effective way to manage your orders. We have every customer’s purchase history. It is easy to set up sales and promos and market to your customers using the NetSymm order management platform. Your customers can download the free NetSymm Buyer app, and you will start seeing increased efficiency and decreased errors due to elimination of manual processes. 

To understand more about NetSymm, you can also Book a Demo.

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